So, you’ve hit it off like a house on fire with a certain someone, and after a spot of DM / text / Facebook tennis, you’ve finally agreed to meet. Excellent. You’re no doubt in for a hoot. If however, you’re feeling a little anxious (totally understandable) then I’ve done some asking around to give you some helpful hints. Kicking things off – what to wear…
I asked users and staff at Flirtomatic what they thought makes the ideal first date outfit. Here’s what they said:
What should boys wear? :
It would appear that the lay-dees look for a fellow with smart shoes – this was by far the most popular response. Followed closely by jeans and a nice shirt. According to one person I asked, real men wear pink, and I quote ‘if she cant deal with that, then she’s not worth it.’ (Oh dear, I’m in trouble if that’s the case!)
From my days at Sitting in a Tree, I know that women are suckers for a man in a suit (hmmmm mmmmm), which leads me to suggest that you should stick on the smarter side of casual. On that note, a nice watch is never going to be a bad thing either. So in short, I’d say a winning combo would be a nice shirt, jeans, good shoes and just so you’re not late, a lovely watch. Tah-dah!
Or if you like, you could take a leaf from my friend Ashley’s book – he reckons all he needs is a condom and a smile. He’s now happily en-fianced to the gorgeous Hayley, so if all else fails then give that a try…
What should girls wear? :
From what people tell me, guys like their girls to highlight their feminine features, without looking slutty. Standard. Not surprisingly, the most frequent response was simply ‘a nice dress’. Trousers, according to my little poll, were a no no.
One respondant summed up the concensus pretty well saying – ‘she should wear whatever she feels happy in, but do one or the other, legs or boobs, lipstick or eyeliner – never both’. Stick to that little formula and you should be safe.
If ever I’ve set up a date and the girl choses not to wear makeup – trust me, I hear about it. And not in a good way. A lot of guys may say they’re looking for the girl next door, but they really mean the film version of the girl next door. So again, I’d advise a little lick of mascara and gloss, if you want to make a good impression.
The general feeling (for both sexes) is that you should put your best foot forward, without appearing too try hard. Like so many things, you want to strike the balance between showing you’re a confident individual, but at the same time that you care about the other person’s opinion.
I recommend that you never wear something brand new on a first date. There’s enough butterfly inducing activity, without discovering halfway through that your shoes pinch or that your outfit is ever so slightly too tight. On that note, most people suggested that you wear something you’re comfortable in. Why you’d bother to wear clothes you find uncomfortable in the first place seems silly, but it happens, so bear it in mind to avoid extra stress.
You could always have a little test run if it makes you feel better and if in doubt then ask your friends for their opinion. Good luck!
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